Tag Archive | covert

Bilderberg 2014 – Participant List

Bilderberg 2014 – Participant List

62nd Bilderberg conference to take place from 29 May – 1 June 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Copenhagen, 26 May 2014
– The 62nd Bilderberg meeting is set to take place from 29 May until 1 June 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark. A total of around 140 participants from 22 countries have confirmed their attendance. As ever, a diverse group of political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media have been invited. The list of participants is available on http://www.bilderbergmeetings.org

The key topics for discussion this year include:

  • Is the economic recovery sustainable?
  • Who will pay for the demographics?
  • Does privacy exist?
  • How special is the relationship in intelligence sharing?
  • Big shifts in technology and jobs
  • The future of democracy and the middle class trap
  • China’s political and economic outlook
  • The new architecture of the Middle East
  • Ukraine
  • What next for Europe?
  • Current events

Founded in 1954, Bilderberg is an annual conference designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Every year, between 120-150 political leaders and experts from industry, finance, academia and the media are invited to take part in the conference. About two thirds of the participants come from Europe and the rest from North America; approximately one third from politics and government and the rest from other fields. 

The conference is a forum for informal discussions about major issues facing the world. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed.

Thanks to the private nature of the conference, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions. As such, they can take time to listen, reflect and gather insights.

There is no desired outcome, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken, and no policy statements are issued.

Of particular note to me is this alarming statement questioning the very existence of privacy.

Among some notable participants: Huang, Yiping, Professor at Peking University (indicating the evolution of Chinese involvement within liberal elite power blocs), David Petraeus (noteworthy in light of his role in the Benghazi scandal), Kasim Reed (Mayor of Atlanta), Eugene Rumer (Senior Associate and Director, Russia and Eurasia Program, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), Eric E.Schmidt (Executive Chairman, Google Inc.), Thiel, Peter A. (a notable returnee who gained some notoriety among libertarians for donating $2 million to the Ron Paul campaign), among others. 

This will be the second year without Jim Tucker, who died about a month or so prior to the last Bilderberg meeting in 2013. Perhaps Daniel Estulin will have some luck disseminating some details.

Former director of Venezuelan spy agency shot dead in Caracas


The former director of Venezuela’s primary intelligence agency has been found shot dead. Venezuelan officials said Eliézer Otaiza was shot dead sometime in the early hours of Saturday morning in Baruta, a suburb in the outskirts of capital Caracas. His bullet-ridden vehicle was later found abandoned in another part of the same barrio.

Venezuela’s Minister of the Interior, Miguel Rodriguez Torres, told reporters on Tuesday that Otaiza’s body was discovered on Saturday, but that it took nearly two days for him to be identified due to the absence of identification documents on the body. At the time of his assassination, Otaiza headed the Libertador Bolivarian Municipality in Caracas which numbers over two million residents. Earlier in his career, however, Otaiza led an elite unit of the personal guard corps of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. The latter also appointed him director of the National Directorate of Intelligence and Prevention Services (DISIP), later renamed Bolivarian Intelligence Service, which is today Venezuela’s foremost intelligence organization. Otaiza was known as a stalwart supporter of Venezuela’s populist president, even in the early 1990s, when Chavez was still in opposition. In February of 1992, when Chavez led a failed military coup aimed at ousting President Carlos Andres Perez, Otaiza had been unable to participate on account of his absence from Venezuela. But he played a leading role in another pro-Chavez military mutiny in November of that year, when he led a small military force attempting to storm the Miraflores presidential palace in Caracas. He was shot several times in the chest but survived thanks to a bulletproof vest he was wearing. Venezuelan government media said Otaiza played “an important part in the events leading to the Bolivarian revolution”, and remained a strong supporter of Chavez throughout the president’s life.

Otaiza was last seen leaving a friend’s house in Caracas late on Friday night. Minister Torres, who also leads the Bolivarian Intelligence Service, said on Tuesday that Otaiza’s body was found bearing at least four bullet wounds. Police said no clear motive for his assassination has been established at this time. But they added that the circumstances around the killing had been deemed “suspicious” and announced that an official investigation into the case had been ordered by Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

We’re Living in the Era of “Economic Elite Domination”

This article discusses a fascinating paper by Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page and some varying theories about the nature of voting, public policy, and who writes the law. I have heard it argued that the law is motivated by public opinion (many libertarians tend to argue this when it comes to things like the Civil Rights Act), but this conflicts with other notions about the nature of power and the state’s tendency to favor rule by the few. 

We’re Living in the Era of “Economic Elite Domination”

Venezuela government and foes talk; Vatican to mediate

Very interesting politics here. That the Vatican is stepping in to mediate should serve as a sign of its power and influence. Whether it is successful is quite another story.

Venezuela government and foes talk; Vatican to mediate

Bilderberg Meetings | The official website

Bilderberg has publicly announced where it will be holding its annual meetings: As the link above states, “The 62nd Bilderberg meeting will take place at the end of May 2014 in Denmark.”

I do not recall Bilderberg being so open about its meeting times in the past, though I could be wrong about this method. Many have thought that increased public pressure about the secrecy of the Group has led it to start its own website with an official attendees list, as you will see if you click on the links above. Usually, it is up to those “in the know”  with special contacts who discover when the meetings will be. What an interesting coincidence that these people should publish their official location so openly the year after we lose Jim Tucker.

Bilderberg Meetings | The official website

CIA Official Dies in Apparent Suicide

Tragic turn of events. The article does not release names and assumes he did, in fact, jump. This man is stated to be in middle management, though he apparently did not jump from CIA headquarters in Virginia. It is possible that he did, however, jump from another CIA location. This is something worth following up on in the days to come.

CIA Official Dies in Apparent Suicide

Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370: Secret services involvement in investigation sparks speculation over terrorism

MI6, the CIA, and Chinese intelligence are all revealed to be working together to “solve the mystery” of the missing plane.

Missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370: Secret services involvement in investigation sparks speculation over terrorism

Rand Paul builds 50-state network, courts mainstream support for presidential bid

It seems that the Ron Paul campaign was highly successful in amassing a powerful base for Paul the Younger, a feat that could not have possibly been accomplished without the Elder’s presidential bid. While many Ron Paulers would hate to admit it, as many of them hold out much hope for little Rand, he is making key moves that would have left these same libertarians railing against Obamney in the 2012 elections. Some examples of who Paul is courting can be found in this highly informative article. Some excerpts:


[Erika] Sather, a former development director at the Club for Growth, spent much of the winter introducing Paul to donors beyond the libertarians who helped Ron Paul raise more than $40 million for his 2012 presidential campaign. Stafford, a former adviser to several conservative groups, has mined the donor lists of the Campaign for Liberty, FreedomWorks and other advocacy organizations.

Cathy Bailey and Nate Morris, two prominent GOP fundraisers from Kentucky, also were instrumental in bringing the group together.

Morris, 33, previously a prolific GOP fundraiser who has raised money for George W. Bush, has served as Paul’s guide as the freshman senator has navigated steakhouse dinners and tony receptions with Republican power brokers.

Nurturing relationships with Bob Murray, a coal baron and former Romney bundler; former George Bush donor Jack Oliver, who is aligned with Jeb Bush; and Blakely Page, an associate of billionaire industrialist brothers Charles and David Koch, has been a priority.

Those big-name donors have not signed on with any potential Republican candidate, but Paul’s supporters think the formation of a leadership team could entice them, or at least signal Paul’s seriousness.

Is Paul the Younger on his way to making friends with the elites of the Eastern Establishment? Only time will tell. It is my prediction that Rand Paul is tragically becoming the right-wing version of Barack Obama. Instead of touting Hope and Change, we hear Liberty and Restoration for America.

I called it here first.

Rand Paul builds 50-state network, courts mainstream support for presidential bid

Public feud between CIA, Senate panel follows years of tension over interrogation report

An excerpt:

What most people do not realize is that public feuds between Congress and the CIA are highly unusual. The shock of the CIA’s surveillance of Congress comes from the fact that the Eastern Establishment has used the CIA in its covert operations for decades. So when people like Dianne Feinstein come out swinging against the surveillance, it is because it’s like having your own dog betray you.

Sit, Ubu sit. Good dog!

Public feud between CIA, Senate panel follows years of tension over interrogation report

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEOF7wCIudA?wmode=transparent&autohide=1&egm=0&hd=1&iv_load_policy=3&modestbranding=1&rel=0&showinfo=0&showsearch=0&w=500&h=375%5D

Here, Thomas Massie joined families of 9/11 victims and Congressman Jones and Congressman Lynch at a press conference to promote the release of 28 classified pages from an official 9/11 report. He talks about how the pages are important to understanding how the tragedy occurred. Since the content is classified, they cannot discuss any of it, but they do state that releasing them would not harm U.S. national security:

As Massie remarks on his official YouTube channel, “American citizens deserve to know the facts.”

Though the contents in these 28 pages is a mystery, according to his statements, it appears that new information would alter the official 9/11 story as most people know it. Would that the information be revealed. It is high time to discuss pertinent issues long withheld from the public.

Korean spy charged with forging Chinese files attempts suicide

A South Korean intelligence officer, who was charged earlier this month with deliberately forging Chinese government documents, tried to kill himself at his home on Sunday, according to local media. The officer, identified in reports only by his last name, Kwon, was fingered last week by South Korean media as the source of a set of documents used in a court case against a man accused of spying for North Korea. Yoo Woo-sung, a prominent North Korean defector living in the South, was arrested last year on charges of espionage.

Government prosecutors accused Yoo of collecting information on at least 200 North Korean defectors living in the South while working for the Seoul city government. The prosecution produced a number of Chinese transit documents showing that Yoo had entered North Korea repeatedly from China, ostensibly in order to transport information to his handlers in Pyongyang. However, in a dramatic turn of events, the case against Yoo collapsed in August of 2013 amidst allegations that some of the documents presented to the court by the prosecutors had been forged. It now appears that the forged documents, which were travel records allegedly issued by the Chinese government, had been given to the prosecution by South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS). Court documents surfaced last week identifying Kwon (named initially as ‘Kim’) as one of the sources of the forged documents. Kwon fervently denied the accusations, claiming that he too had been duped by a Chinese asset who gave him the forms. He also argued that that the asset was probably working for Chinese intelligence. On Sunday, however, Kwon apparently tried to kill himself at his home in a suburb of Seoul. The intelligence officer was reportedly found unconscious inside his car by first responders who rushed to the scene following a telephone call by a member of the public. One fire department official told South Korean media that several clues at the scene pointed to “an attempt at carbon monoxide poisoning”. Early on Monday, a spokesperson for the NIS confirmed that Kwon did try to end his life and is now recovering in hospital. The Wall Street Journal notes that Kwon’s suicide attempt is the second such case involving NIS this month. The paper says that another NIS officer was hospitalized earlier in March after he tried to kill himself. There is no proof, however, that the two suicide attempts are in any way linked.

Korean spy charged with forging Chinese files attempts suicide

Watching America   :   » All Secrets of Sibel Edmonds, or: Who Manages World Terrorism?

The main accusation by Sibel Edmonds is simple: The Pentagon, CIA and State Department kept very intimate contact with al-Qaida terrorists, and are neck-deep in illegal arms and drug trafficking in Central Asia.

Translated By Axilleus Peleus

Some excerpts:

Everyone has heard of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and WikiLeaks, and that the NSA spies on the whole world. Those people in the U.S. are called whistleblowers — people who direct the attention toward corruption in the government and destruction of democracy. But a very small number of people — at least here — know about Sibel Edmonds, former translator for the FBI whose book “Classified Woman — The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir” drew attention of several newspapers, like The Sunday Times. These well-known English newspapers tried to release some facts in 2008 that she wrote about, but the U.S. government, through its embassy in London, applied enormous pressure toward this newspaper not to publish information relevant to (of course) “American safety.”


She spoke openly about [the connections between the US government and Al-Qaida] in her 2013 interview with Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, a writer on geopolitics and expert on environment and energy. She pointed out that Osama bin Laden’s successor, Ayman al-Zawahiri, had numerous meetings with U.S. military and intelligence activists from 1997 to 2001 in Baku, capital of Azerbaijan, to discuss the goals of an operation called “Gladio B.” According to her statements, al-Zawahiri, bin Laden’s family members and other leading Mujahidin figures were transported by NATO airplanes throughout the “hot spots” in Central Asia and the Balkans with the goal of supporting the Pentagon’s destabilization acts. If, according to Edmonds, this is “Gladio B,” what is then “Gladio A”?


Edmonds didn’t discuss assumptions on what “Gladio B” is for, bur Dr. Nazif Ahmed was clear: The goal of this operation is influence over countries of the former USSR, seizure of strategic energy and mineral resources, prevention of Russian and Chinese influence in the region, and an increase in profit from the illegal trade in arms and drugs. Loretta Napoleoni, an expert on terrorist financing, points to the fact that the profits from these “fair transactions” in the United States and Europe is $1.5 trillion a year; that is a very important source of income for the stalled economy of the West. Sibel Edmonds pointed to the fact that shortly after the American occupation of Afghanistan, the production of opium was immediately renewed. In one of her interviews she said: “I know for a fact that NATO planes routinely shipped heroin to Belgium, where they then made their way into Europe and to the U.K. They also shipped heroin to distribution centers in Chicago and New Jersey.” The FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration found that many senior officials of the Pentagon, CIA and State Department were involved in this trade. Of course, nothing about that was published.


TL;DR: The CIA, Pentagon, and State Department has had ties to Al Qaeda since before 9/11 and participates in a trillion dollar illegal arms/drug trade to fund its covert programs  This article also briefly touches upon the rarely-mentioned CIA influence in fascist and nationalist regimes: “These death squads, intended for liquidation of the leftists as potential Soviet allies, were made of nationalists and fascists who offered their services to the Anglo-American winners after the war.” We can see these on the rise in Ukraine and in Golden Dawn in Greece.

Watching America   :   » All Secrets of Sibel Edmonds, or: Who Manages World Terrorism?

Al Qaeda Announces New English-Language Terror Magazine – NBC News

Apparently, “The CIA did not immediately respond to a request for comment.”

Well, of course they wouldn’t.

Al Qaeda Announces New English-Language Terror Magazine – NBC News

Moonies, Messiahs and Media: Who Really Owns Newsweek?

On Saturday, news broke that IBT Media, a company that runs the online business (at least, in theory) newspaper International Business Times, had purchasedNewsweek from IAC. So IBT Media now owns Newsweek. But exactly who controls IBT Media?

IBT Media’s corporate leadership site lists two cofounders: Etienne Uzac, the company’s CEO, and Johnathan Davis, its chief content officer.

But some say that the company is actually controlled by—or at least has very close undisclosed ties to—someone whose name appears nowhere on the site: David Jang, a controversial Korean Christian preacher who has been accused of calling himself “Second Coming Christ.”

story in The Tennessean about Olivet University, a university founded by Mr. Jang, lists IBT as one of Mr. Jang’s businesses. A deeply reported investigation into Mr. Jang’s church by the magazine Christianity Today also lists IBT as among Mr. Jang’s enterprises. (That investigation, incidentally, was named one of the “Best Long Reads of 2012″ by The Daily Beast, which had partnered with Newsweek.)

IBT’s two cofounders seem to have ties to Mr. Jang as well.

Before founding IBT, Mr. Davis was the journalism director at Mr. Jang’s Olivet University. Christianity Today reports that Mr. Davis, IBT’s ostensible cofounder and chief content officer, was invited but declined to take part in a meeting with leaders of Mr. Jang’s other businesses. Mr. Davis reportedly wrote an email stating that he could not take part in the meeting because, “My commission is inherently covert.”

Mr. Uzac, IBT’s other cofounder, is married to Marion Uzac, the former PR director of the World Evangelical Alliance, a Christian group that has become closely associated with Mr. Jang. Ms. Uzac now works as IBT’s finance director. A former IBT staffer told The Observer that the relationship between her and Mr. Uzac was not disclosed to IBT Media employees and the company went to some lengths to hide it. According to the former staffer, the nameplate on Ms. Uzac’s door read “Marion Kim,” rather than “Marion Uzac.”

Mr. Jang has sought to keep Mr. Davis’s (alleged) commission covert. After the Christianity Today articles were published, The Christian Post—a newspaper (allegedly) controlled by Mr. Jang—attacked the magazine and smeared one of its reporters, spuriously linking him to child pornography.

Mr. Jang’s friends also appear to have silenced a reporter who looked into the connection between the church and IBT. Ann Brocklehurst—now an editor at the Toronto Star, but then an independent journalist—investigated IBT’s funding and eventually discovered its close connections to Olivet University. She wrote a series of posts suggesting that Mr. Jang was funding IBT, then abruptly deleted every post referencing IBT, presumably after being pressured. (Fortunately, one post was copied before being deleted.)

After the Newsweek sale was announced, Mr. Uzac and Mr. Davis told Buzzfeed that Mr. Jang had no involvement in IBT and that the two of them alone owned IBT Media. Mr. Uzac did admit, though, that he has met with Mr. Jang on multiple occasions. Mr. Davis acknowledged that IBTrecruits heavily from Olivet, but claimed that Olivet’s relationship to IBT Media was no different from the relationship between Stanford and Silicon Valley tech companies.

But if Mr. Jang does control IBT, The Christian Post, and now Newsweek, he seems to be following in the footsteps of another wealthy heterodox Christian leader: the late Reverend Sun Myung Moon. Mr. Moon’s Unification Church (whose followers are known, pejoratively, as “Moonies”) owns The Washington Times and United Press International.

Mr. Jang, by the way, reportedly once taught in a Unification Church seminary.

Update: Shortly after this article was published, Christianity Today posted a new blog post suggesting an even closer connection between IBT Media and Mr. Jang’s network. The magazine reported that Mr. Davis, the IBT cofounder with the covert commission, is married to Tracy McBeal Davis, the president of Olivet University. It also reported that Mr. Uzac, IBT’s other cofounder, was once listed as the treasurer of Olivet University.

The Moonies are somewhat of an interesting cult that has historically possessed very powerful connections. Its founder, Sun Myung Moon, had deep ties to the CIA and fascist sympathizers within the US government during the 1960s and beyond. It is unfortunate that the original Christianity Today documenting these connections is only available through paid subscription to the website.

Moonies, Messiahs and Media: Who Really Owns Newsweek?

Rift between US Congress and CIA biggest in 40 years, say observers

Rift between US Congress and CIA biggest in 40 years, say observers

CIA probes Senate staff monitoring

The United States Department of Justice has opened an investigation into Senate aides removing documents from CIA headquarters that they reportedly “weren’t authorized to have”. It turns out, however, that the CIA found this out because they were secretly spying on members of the Senate Intelligence Committee and their staff who were working on a high-profile report on CIA torture of detainees. What is more, Democratic Senator Mark Udall has claimed US President Barack Obama knew of the CIA’s secret monitoring of the Committee.

Secondary source.

CIA probes Senate staff monitoring

Prize Catch for Ukrainians at Boat Harbor: A Soggy Trove of Government Secrets

More from the article:

The papers, some charred from a hurried attempt to destroy them, depict back-room efforts to control the domestic news media and behind-the-scenes efforts of the government to find support both in Washington and Moscow. They seem to show that Mr. Yanukovych financed his opulent lifestyle by dipping into the profits of a coal trading enterprise.

In the final months, the documents show, Mr. Yanukovych’s government reached out to a former deputy director of Russia’s military intelligence service in planning the crackdown on protesters. Years earlier, they show, the government paid American legal advisers for opinions that would justify to the West the prosecution of Yulia V. Tymoshenko, a former prime minister and the president’s chief political opponent.

It should not surprise us that this article, coming from the New York Times, supports the anti-Yanukovych narrative. While it is obvious that Ukranian politics is more complicated than Washington vs. Moscow, one does not need to look very hard to discover official narratives. There’s also the question of whether this discovery was some sort of honey pot…

Prize Catch for Ukrainians at Boat Harbor: A Soggy Trove of Government Secrets





“But if all these laws and government programs are as bad as you libertarians say, why isn’t it all over the news?!”

Well, this is why.

This is the same William Colby who supposedly got up one night, leaving his food on the table and his tv on, to go out for a canoe and drowned out in the middle of nowhere and wasn’t found for days, not too long after his getting involved in the investigation of the Franklin Child Prostitution Ring Allegations.


More on Operation Mockingbird here and here.

Figuratively operation Jabberjay. “Jabberjays are a type mutation that consist of all birds that were created in the Capitol labs to spy on enemies and rebels of the Capitol.”

Edinburgh’s WW1 spy who was shot at dawn

Soon after the outbreak of World War One, the Germans sent a spy to Edinburgh to gather intelligence. The untrained spook’s “amateurish” methods soon led to him being caught and executed by firing squad at Tower of London.

Towards the end of August 1914 a man checked into what is now the Balmoral Hotel in the centre of Edinburgh claiming to be an American tourist.

In reality he was a German spy who had been sent to gather intelligence from the British.

Carl Lody, by now 37 years old, was a junior naval officer who had been forced to retire for health reasons but was looking for other ways to serve the fatherland.

“He was especially attractive to German naval intelligence because he had lived for years in the United States and spoke English fluently, although with an American accent,” according to Peter Jackson, professor of history at the University of Glasgow.

He says Lody was asked to focus in particular on the Firth of Forth, which was of special strategic importance because it was a “very significant deep-water harbour” which always had a number of important British warships at anchor.

The Forth Bridge was also seen as a vital strategic artery connecting southern Britain with Scotland’s north eastern seaboard, which looked out on to the North Sea and the German high seas fleet.

Lody travelled under the alias of Charles Inglis, having obtained a bogus passport in this name from the American consulate in Berlin, by claiming to have mislaid his passport.

Prof Jackson says: “Lody’s methods of communication were very amateurish. It showed that he had been given almost no training before having been dispatched to Great Britain via Norway.

“He communicated mainly by telegram or by post to a German agent in Stockholm named Adolf Buchard.

“Buchard was on the watchlist for MO5 (now MI5), the British counter-intelligence, and all of the communications between anyone in Britain and Buchard were monitored.

Lody had an emergency passport issued by the American embassy in Berlin

“Letters were opened, telegrams were recorded and monitored and it was in this way that MO5 became aware that a German spy was operating in Edinburgh, very soon after Lody began his activities.”

During his weeks in Edinburgh, Lody sent regular messages in English and German to his contact in Stockholm.

Some of these were allowed to go through because they contained misleading information that would alarm the Germans but cause no harm to Britain.

Continue reading.

Edinburgh’s WW1 spy who was shot at dawn